Hello All, I am testing Cassandra 0.7 with the Avro api on a single machine as a financial time series server, so my setup looks something like this: keyspace = timeseries, column family = tickdata, key = ticker, super column = field (price, volume, high, low), column = timestamp.
So a single value, say a price of 140.72 for IBM today at 14:00 would be stored as tickdata["IBM"]["price"]["2010-10-14 14:00"] = 140.72 (well of course everything needs to be encoded properly but you get the point). My subcomparator type is TimeUUIDType so that I can do queries over time ranges. Inserting and querying all work reasonably well so far. But sometimes I have a need to wipe out all the data for all day. To be more precise: I need to delete the stored values for all keys (tickers) and all super-columns (fields) for a given time period (condition on column). How would I go about doing that? First a multiget_slice and then a remove command for each value? Or am I missing an easier way? Is slice deletion within batch_mutate still scheduled to be implemented? Thanks for your help, Koert