On Thu, 2010-10-14 at 13:42 -0500, Eric Evans wrote: > This list is for the development of Cassandra directly, your question is > better posed on user@cassandra.apache.org (moving it there). > > Before following up though, you might want to check the wiki and list > archives, questions about creating TimeUUIDs from Java have been pretty > common. For example: > > http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/FAQ#working_with_timeuuid_in_java > > On Thu, 2010-10-14 at 11:34 -0700, Wicked J wrote: > > Hi, > > I'm having issues with inserting data of TimeUUIDType in Cassandra v0.6.4. > > The exception that I'm getting is: *InvalidRequestException(why:UUIDs must > > be exactly 16 bytes)* > > > > My objective is I want to insert comments and retrieve them in the order > > they were inserted. My storage-conf.xml and code snippets are mentioned > > below. Seems like the method "insert" in Cassandra.Client takes a String as > > the id and in my case this value is actually a UUID and in the process of > > converting the UUID (though 16 bytes in size) to String, the string value is > > larger than 16 bytes which is causing the exception.
The signature of insert() is: insert(String keyspace, String key, ColumnPath column_path, byte[] value, long timestamp, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level) So to store comments in a time-series manner use a TimeUUID *encoded to a byte array* (byte[]) for the column attribute of column_path, with the comment itself as the value (also as a byte[]). -- Eric Evans eev...@rackspace.com