A few months ago, there was a thread on this list about using Cassandra
across multiple EC2 regions.   I was interested in doing in doing 
the same thing, and managed to make it work.

To implement this, there are basically two things that need to change.
First, in storage-conf.xml, I used the "external" IP addresses for
<ListenAddress> and <Seed> - these external address are needed for 
the machines in different regions to talk to each other.   However, they
also work within regions.  

However, that doesn't quite work with the stock Cassandra, as it will
try to bind and listen on those addresses and give up because they
don't appear to be valid network addresses.  This patch causes 
Cassandra to listen on the local network, rather than the <ListenAddress>
defined in the config file.   (This is not a completely general
solution.  It assumes that there is only one local network, and that the
default network is the one to use, but - at least for EC2 - that assumption
should be OK)

Part of my motivation for posting here is to solicit feedback on the 
third part of the patch.   I was able to get my two-region cluster 
up and running by patching just the first two files.   The third
change may be needed under certain conditions, but I never seemed to
hit that code.

Here's the source patch:

diff -ur 
     2010-08-16 17:48:02.000000000 -0500
  2010-09-01 10:05:34.000000000 -0500
@@ -147,7 +147,16 @@
         ServerSocketChannel serverChannel = ServerSocketChannel.open();
         final ServerSocket ss = serverChannel.socket();
+/* OLD 
         ss.bind(new InetSocketAddress(localEp, 
+       /* In order to allow using Amazon EC2 across regions, we listen
+        * on our local address, rather rather than the "public" IP address
+        * defined in storage-conf.xml 
+        */
+        ss.bind(new InetSocketAddress(InetAddress.getLocalHost(), 
         socketThread = new SocketThread(ss, "ACCEPT-" + localEp);
diff -ur 
        2010-07-27 16:09:18.000000000 -0500
     2010-09-01 10:09:31.000000000 -0500
@@ -149,7 +149,16 @@
                 // zero means 'bind on any available port.'
+               /* In order to allow using Amazon EC2 across regions, we 
+                * listen on our local address, rather rather than the
+                * "public" IP address defined in storage-conf.xml
+                */
+/* OLD
                 socket = new Socket(endpoint, 
DatabaseDescriptor.getStoragePort(), FBUtilities.getLocalAddress(), 0);
+                socket = new Socket(endpoint, 
DatabaseDescriptor.getStoragePort(), InetAddress.getLocalHost(), 0);
                 output = new DataOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());
                 return true;
diff -ur 
       2010-05-28 11:23:04.000000000 -0500
    2010-09-01 10:07:43.000000000 -0500
@@ -122,6 +122,14 @@
         SocketChannel channel = SocketChannel.open();
         // force local binding on correctly specified interface.
+       /* When using Amazon EC2 "public" IP addresses, we probably
+        * won't be able to bind to the address.  However, I don't see
+        * this code getting hit, and I'm not sure under what circumstances
+        * it would get run.
+        */
+System.out.println("FIXME - probably can't bind to this address: 
InetSocketAddress(FBUtilities.getLocalAddress(), 0));
         int attempts = 0;
         while (true)

Peter Fales
Member of Technical Staff
1960 Lucent Lane
Room: 9H-505
Naperville, IL 60566-7033
Email: peter.fa...@alcatel-lucent.com
Phone: 630 979 8031

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