Hi All, We have a Cassandra cluster setup with 2 EC2 m1.large machines, one is running in us-east zone whereas 2nd one is running in us-west zone. As part of Seed section, I provided each other's node's EC2 public DNS entry in each of storage-conf.xml. but when I ran nodetool command, I am not finding both ec2 nodes as part of Ring which is because they have registered each other using their Private IP address for receiving gossip messages and those private ips won't be reachable across zones. So what should be done to make both nodes to be registered with each other with their Public DNS/IP address instead their Private IP. This is not a problem if we setup the entire cluster with in the same region and zones (US-EAST), cuz they can communicate with private IP. Can any one share What is the recommended approach here?
Lenin -- twitter: leningali skype: galilenin Cell:513.382.3371