In my opinion it's the wrong approach when so ask how to migrate from MySQL to 
Cassandra from a database level view. The lack of joins in NoSQL should lead to 
think about what you wanna get out of your persistent storage and afterwards 
think about how to migrate and most of the time how to denormalize the data you 
have in order to insert it into a NoSQL storage like Cassandra.

Simply just migrating the data and moving the joins up to the application level 
might work in the beginning but most of the times doesn't scale in the end.

Am 06.08.2010 um 20:00 schrieb sonia gehlot:

> Hi All,
> Little background about myself. I am ETL engineer worked in only relational 
> databases.
> I have been reading and trying Cassandra since 3-4 weeks. I kind of 
> understood Cassandra data model, its structure,  nodes etc. I also installed 
> Cassandra and played around with it, like 
>   cassandra> set Keyspace1.Standard2['jsmith']['first'] = 'John'
>   Value inserted.
>  cassandra> get Keyspace1.Standard2['jsmith']
>     (column=first, value=John; timestamp=1249930053103)
>   Returned 1 rows.
> But don't know what to do next? Like if someone says me this is MySQL 
> database migrate it to cassandra, then I dont know what should be my next 
> step? 
> Can you please help me how to move forward? How should I do all the setup for 
> this? 
> Any help is appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Sonia 

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