Hi All,

Little background about myself. I am ETL engineer worked in only relational

I have been reading and trying Cassandra since 3-4 weeks. I kind of
understood Cassandra data model, its structure,  nodes etc. I also installed
Cassandra and played around with it, like

  cassandra> set Keyspace1.Standard2['jsmith']['first'] = 'John'
  Value inserted.
 cassandra> get Keyspace1.Standard2['jsmith']
    (column=first, value=John; timestamp=1249930053103)
  Returned 1 rows.

But don't know what to do next? Like if someone says me this is MySQL
database migrate it to cassandra, then I dont know what should be my next

Can you please help me how to move forward? How should I do all the setup
for this?

Any help is appreciated.


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