You can use the sever's name/IP-address+Port and mix it into the random seed.


        From: David Boxenhorn [] 
        Sent: Friday, June 25, 2010 10:14 AM
        Subject: Re: UUIDs whose alphanumeric order is the same as their 
chronological order
        Thanks, Tatu! I'm going ahead with it. Now if something goes wrong I'll 
say: "But Tatu said..." (just kidding).
        I've replaced Random in the code above with SecureRandom, for that 
extra dose of randomness (my biggest worry was that Random self-seeds with 
System.currentTimeMillis(), and there is some infinitesimal chance that two 
servers could start up in the same clock tick). Any thoughts? 
        On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 8:31 PM, Tatu Saloranta <> 

                On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 12:18 AM, David Boxenhorn 
<> wrote:
                > Tatu, I did read your comments - and I appreciate them very 
                > I want someone to argue with me (using good arguments) since 
what I'm doing
                > *does* seem weird to me - because no one else is doing it.
                > What I mean by readable is that the sort order of my UUIDs 
are obvious to
                > humans.
                > What I mean by "weird code" is mostly that it doesn't come 
with enough
                > authority that I would trust it as a black-box more than my 
own code. For
                > example, what happens when I want to port it to different 
kinds of machines?
                Ok! It all makes sense -- honestly I just wanted to try to 
explain why
                certain consensus builds, not to argue against your way of doing
                I don't think you are missing anything obvious, my suggestions 
                really secondary arguments. I think you have good reasons and 
                looked solid.
                And yes, implementing time-based UUIDs leads to quite a few
                complications, if one tries to address all oddities.
                This is probably why JDK UUID is so limiting, I assume JDK 
authors did
                not want to deal with such aspects.
                And that is why I think that fundamentally random-based variant 
                good for the main goal of achieving uniqueness.

                > But another thing weird about it is the complexity (and I 
think low speed)
                > of the algorithms I need in my *own* code to use it. Just 
look at it
                > !
                Yes, that is definitely overly complicated (IMO). Perhaps 
                could add convenience methods for mundane things like converting
                between java.util.UUID and byte[].
                Or authors of nice extension/convenience libraries like Hector 
                others mentioned -- apologies for not listing I just worry I 
                their names :) )
                -+ Tatu +-

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