I'm having a little block in converting an existing SQL Server schema that we 
have into Cassandra Keyspace(s).  The whole key-value thing has just not 
clicked yet.  Do any of you know of any good examples that are more complex 
than the example in the readme file?

We are looking to report on web traffic so things like hits, page views, unique 
visitors,...  All the basic web stuff.  I'm very sure that one of you, likely 
many more, is already doing this.

Here are two queries just to give you a few key works related to the metrics 
that we want to move into Cassandra:

/* Data logged */
select t.Datetime,c.CustomerNumber,ct.cust_type,ws.SiteNumber,ws.SiteName
= dbo.u_IpInt2Str(ClientIP)
from warehouse.dbo.fact_WebHit f
join Warehouse.dbo.dim_Time t
      on t.ID = f.TimeID
join Warehouse.dbo.dim_CustomerType ct
      on ct.ID = f.CustomerTypeID
join Warehouse.dbo.dim_Customer c
      on c.ID = f.CustomerID
join Warehouse.dbo.dim_Symbol s
      on s.ID = f.SymbolID
join Warehouse.dbo.dim_WebAction wa
      on wa.ID = f.WebActionID
join Warehouse.dbo.dim_WebSite ws
      on ws.ID = f.WebSiteID

/* Data with surrogate keys */
select f.Timeid,f.CustomerID,f.CustomerTypeID,f.WebSiteID 
from warehouse.dbo.fact_WebHit f

Any good info would be appreciated.  I have of course checked the main web 
sites but I could have missed something along the way.


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