I have a question on using Order Preserving Partitioner.

Many rowKeys in my system will be related to dates, so it seems natural to
use Order Preserving Partitioner instead of the default Random Partitioner.
However, I have been warned that special attention has to be applied for
Order Preserving Partitioner to work properly (basically to ensure a good
key distribution and avoid "hot spot") and reverting it back to Random may
not be easy. Also not every rowKey is related to dates, for these, using
Random Partitioner is okay, but there is only one place to set Partitioner.

(Note: The intension of this warning is actually to discredit Cassandra and
persuade me not to use it.)

It seems the choice of Partitioner is defined in the storage-conf.xml and is
a global property. My question why does it have to be a global property? Is
there a future plan to make it customizable per KeySpace (just like you
would choose hash or range partition for different table/data in RDBMS) ?


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