Hi, I just noticed I have lots of these messages
INFO [GMFD:1] 2010-05-25 23:21:04,070 GossipDigestSynMessage.java (line 152) Remaining bytes zero. Stopping deserialization in EndPointState. INFO [GMFD:1] 2010-05-25 23:21:05,224 GossipDigestSynMessage.java (line 129) @@@@ Breaking out to respect the MTU size in EPS. Estimate is 56 @@@@ The first message only occurs on some machines in my cluster. The second on all of them. The ones with the first message seem to be building up quite a backlog in their MessageDeserializer PendingTasks. I assume there is a correlation, what could be causing this sort of thing? This cluster is now at 27 m1.xlarge boxes on ec2 running 0.6.2 of some flavor. Thanks, -Anthony -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Anthony Molinaro <antho...@alumni.caltech.edu>