On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 7:43 PM, Jonathan Ellis <jbel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> with C# you need to be sure to tell thrift to use client-side
> buffering.  http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/ThriftExamples#C.23 shows
> this (but didn't until recently)

Yes, I am unsing TBufferedTransport. However the high times continues.
When I run a load test (not against cassandra directly but against the
client application which uses cassandra) I see a lower number of

I see the slowness  in org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Column when the
column value is read throught a TProtocol.readBinary. The column value
are somewhat big (10k) but I think 2s is still too much.

I am not pooling at all (I had to go productive before ending my
pooling client), so I have a lot of sockets open per server (I use a
threadlocal conection). Also I have period of very low activity and on
those periods I see the higher number of anomalies. I suspect windows
is messing up a with a lot of open sockets unused by long periods of
time since I don't see any other troubles in the network.

In the next days I will deploy the pooling client, so will test my hypothesis.


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