Hello all,

We're running cassandra on EC2 (via Rightscale), and I'm working on
connecting up the cassandra JMX monitoring to try to debug why our 0.6.1
Cassandra machine spike to 100% CPU and then choke after about 6 hours worth
of production data running through them.

We're running on 64 bit EC2 instances and rightscale comes with collectd 4.5
by default which doesn't support jvm/jmx monitoring. Upgrading to the latest
collectd 4.10 first pass appears to be an exercise in pain. However there's
a tantalizing collectd.jar available:
http://support.hyperic.com/display/hypcomm/jcollectd that sounds perfect for
what we need.

Has anyone had any experience setting up jcollectd on EC2? Or any other
recommendations for setting up cassandra JMX monitoring on EC2 especially if
you use rightscale.

Thanks for any help,
Curt, ZipZapPlay Inc., www.PlayCrafter.com,
http://apps.facebook.com/bakinglife http://apps.facebook.com/happyhabitat

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