Thanks! I want have a detailed study of Hector. On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 1:39 PM, Ran Tavory <> wrote:
> Hi Schubert, I'm sorry Hector isn't a good fit for you, so let's see what's > missing for your. > > On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 8:22 AM, Schubert Zhang <> wrote: > >> I found hector is not a good design. >> >> 1. We cannot create multiple threads (each thread have a connection to >> cassandra server) to one cassandra server. >> As we known, usually, cassandra client should be multiple-threads to >> achieve good throughput. >> > I usually use hector with many threads, so I'm not sure I understand your > point. Threads and connections are two different things; in hector to obtain > a connection you call borrowClient and then you release the connection by > releaseClient. You may choose to have one connection per thread (I think > it's the simplest way), or many connections per thread. You may also choose > to have many threads using the same connection, but this I think is > less desirable and less scalable. To keep it simple, a good rule of thumb is > connection-per-thread. > Let me know if you have specific design questions and feel free to email > (and join) > A use case as: We want one connection per thread. But a cassandra node can provide multiple connections to one client node. >> 2. The implementation is too fat. >> > Feel free to send your diet, improvements and suggestions to > or > >> >> 3. Introduce traditional RDBMS habit into Cassandra is not a good idea. > > Which RDBMS habit did you mean? > I mean the DAO. > >> >> >> On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 1:25 AM, Ran Tavory <> wrote: >> >>> great, I'm happy you found hector useful and reused it in your client. >>> >>> >>> On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 5:11 PM, Dop Sun <> wrote: >>> >>>> Hi, >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> I have downloaded hector-0.6.0-10.jar. As you mentioned, it has good >>>> implementation for the connection pooling, JMX counters. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> What I’m doing is: using Hector to create the Cassandra client (be >>>> specific: borrow_client(url, port)). And my understanding is: in this way, >>>> the Jassandra will enjoy the client pool and JMX counter. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Please feel free to let me know if you have any suggestions. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> The new build 1.0.0 build 3( >>>> created. From Jassandra client side, no API changes. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Cheers~~~ >>>> >>>> Dop >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> *From:* Ran Tavory [] >>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, April 20, 2010 1:36 AM >>>> *To:* >>>> *Subject:* Re: Cassandra Java Client >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Hi Dop, you may want to look at hector as a low level cassandra client >>>> on which you build jassandra, adding hibernate style magic etc like other >>>> ppl have done with ORM layers on top of it. >>>> >>>> Hector's main features include extensive jmx counters, failover and >>>> connection pooling. >>>> >>>> It's available for all recent versions, including 0.5.0, 0.5.1, 0.6.0 >>>> and 0.6.1 >>>> >>>> On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 5:58 PM, Dop Sun <> wrote: >>>> >>>> Well, there are couple of points while Jassandra is created: >>>> >>>> 1. First of all, I want to create something like that is because I come >>>> from >>>> JDBC background, and familiar with Hibernate API. The ICriteria (which >>>> is >>>> created for querying) is inspired by the Criteria API from hibernate. >>>> >>>> Actually, maybe because of this background, it cost me a lot efforts try >>>> to >>>> understand Cassandra in the beginning and Thrift API also takes time to >>>> use. >>>> >>>> 2. The Jassandra creates a layer, which removes the direct link to >>>> underlying Thrift API (including the exceptions, ConsistencyLevel >>>> enumeration etc) >>>> >>>> High light this point because I believe the client of the Jassandra will >>>> benefit for the implementation changes in future, for example, if the >>>> Cassandra provides better Thrift API to selecting the columns for a list >>>> of >>>> keys, SCFs, or deprecating some structures, exceptions, the client may >>>> not >>>> be changed. Of cause, if Jassandra failed to approve itself, this is >>>> actually not the advantage. :) >>>> >>>> 3. The Jassandra is designed to be an JDBC like API, no less, no more. >>>> It >>>> strives to use the best API to do the quering (with token, key, SCF/ >>>> CF), >>>> doing the CRUD, but no more than that. For example, it does not cover >>>> any >>>> API like object mapping. But it should cover all the API functionalities >>>> Thrift provided. >>>> >>>> These 3 points, are different from Hector (I should be honest that I >>>> have >>>> not tried to use it before, the feeling of difference are coming from >>>> the >>>> sample code Hector provided). >>>> >>>> So, the API Jassandra abstracted was something like this: >>>> >>>> IConnection connection = DriverManager.getConnection( >>>> "thrift://localhost:9160", info); >>>> try { >>>> // 2. Get a KeySpace by name >>>> IKeySpace keySpace = connection.getKeySpace("Keyspace1"); >>>> >>>> // 3. Get a ColumnFamily by name >>>> IColumnFamily cf = keySpace.getColumnFamily("Standard2"); >>>> >>>> // 4. Insert like this >>>> long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); >>>> ByteArray nameFirst = ByteArray.ofASCII("first"); >>>> ByteArray nameLast = ByteArray.ofASCII("last"); >>>> ByteArray nameAge = ByteArray.ofASCII("age"); >>>> ByteArray valueLast = ByteArray.ofUTF8("Smith"); >>>> IColumn colFirst = new Column(nameFirst, ByteArray.ofUTF8("John"), >>>> now); >>>> cf.insert(userName, colFirst); >>>> >>>> IColumn colLast = new Column(nameLast, valueLast, now); >>>> cf.insert(userName, colLast); >>>> >>>> IColumn colAge = new Column(nameAge, ByteArray.ofLong(42), now); >>>> cf.insert(userName, colAge); >>>> >>>> // 5. Select like this >>>> ICriteria criteria = cf.createCriteria(); >>>> criteria.keyList(Lists.newArrayList(userName)) >>>> .columnRange(nameAge, nameLast, 10); >>>> Map<String, List<IColumn>> map =; >>>> List<IColumn> list = map.get(userName); >>>> Assert.assertEquals(3, list.size()); >>>> Assert.assertEquals(valueLast, list.get(2).getValue()); >>>> >>>> // 6. Delete like this >>>> cf.delete(userName, colFirst); >>>> map =; >>>> Assert.assertEquals(2, map.get(userName).size()); >>>> >>>> // 7. Get count like this >>>> criteria = cf.createCriteria(); >>>> criteria.keyList(Lists.newArrayList(userName)); >>>> int count = criteria.count(); >>>> Assert.assertEquals(2, count); >>>> } finally { >>>> // 8. Don't forget to close the connection. >>>> connection.close(); >>>> >>>> } >>>> } >>>> >>>> -----Original Message----- >>>> From: Jonathan Ellis [] >>>> Sent: Monday, April 19, 2010 10:35 PM >>>> To: >>>> >>>> Subject: Re: Cassandra Java Client >>>> >>>> How is Jassandra different from ? >>>> >>>> On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 9:21 AM, Dop Sun <> wrote: >>>> > May I take this chance to share this link here: >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > It currently based with Cassandra 0.6 Thrift APIs. >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > The class ThriftCriteria and ThriftColumnFamily has direct use of >>>> Thrift >>>> > API. Also, the site itself has test code, which is actually works on >>>> > Jassandra abstraction. >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > Dop >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > From: Nirmala Agadgar [] >>>> > Sent: Friday, April 16, 2010 5:56 PM >>>> > To: >>>> > Subject: Cassandra Java Client >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > Hi, >>>> > >>>> > Can anyone tell how to implement Client that can insert data into >>>> cassandra >>>> > in Java. Any Code or guidelines would be helpful. >>>> > >>>> > - >>>> > Nirmala >>>> > >>>> >>>> >>>> >>> >>> >> >