Hi Schubert, I'm sorry Hector isn't a good fit for you, so let's see what's missing for your.
On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 8:22 AM, Schubert Zhang <zson...@gmail.com> wrote: > I found hector is not a good design. > > 1. We cannot create multiple threads (each thread have a connection to > cassandra server) to one cassandra server. > As we known, usually, cassandra client should be multiple-threads to > achieve good throughput. > I usually use hector with many threads, so I'm not sure I understand your point. Threads and connections are two different things; in hector to obtain a connection you call borrowClient and then you release the connection by releaseClient. You may choose to have one connection per thread (I think it's the simplest way), or many connections per thread. You may also choose to have many threads using the same connection, but this I think is less desirable and less scalable. To keep it simple, a good rule of thumb is connection-per-thread. Let me know if you have specific design questions and feel free to email (and join) hector-us...@googlegroups.com > > 2. The implementation is too fat. > Feel free to send your diet, improvements and suggestions to hector-...@googlegroups.com or hector-us...@googlegroups.com > > 3. Introduce traditional RDBMS habit into Cassandra is not a good idea. Which RDBMS habit did you mean? > > > > On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 1:25 AM, Ran Tavory <ran...@gmail.com> wrote: > >> great, I'm happy you found hector useful and reused it in your client. >> >> >> On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 5:11 PM, Dop Sun <su...@dopsun.com> wrote: >> >>> Hi, >>> >>> >>> >>> I have downloaded hector-0.6.0-10.jar. As you mentioned, it has good >>> implementation for the connection pooling, JMX counters. >>> >>> >>> >>> What I’m doing is: using Hector to create the Cassandra client (be >>> specific: borrow_client(url, port)). And my understanding is: in this way, >>> the Jassandra will enjoy the client pool and JMX counter. >>> >>> >>> >>> http://code.google.com/p/jassandra/issues/detail?id=17 >>> >>> >>> >>> Please feel free to let me know if you have any suggestions. >>> >>> >>> >>> The new build 1.0.0 build 3(http://code.google.com/p/jassandra/) >>> created. From Jassandra client side, no API changes. >>> >>> >>> >>> Cheers~~~ >>> >>> Dop >>> >>> >>> >>> *From:* Ran Tavory [mailto:ran...@gmail.com] >>> *Sent:* Tuesday, April 20, 2010 1:36 AM >>> *To:* user@cassandra.apache.org >>> *Subject:* Re: Cassandra Java Client >>> >>> >>> >>> Hi Dop, you may want to look at hector as a low level cassandra client on >>> which you build jassandra, adding hibernate style magic etc like other ppl >>> have done with ORM layers on top of it. >>> >>> Hector's main features include extensive jmx counters, failover and >>> connection pooling. >>> >>> It's available for all recent versions, including 0.5.0, 0.5.1, 0.6.0 and >>> 0.6.1 >>> >>> On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 5:58 PM, Dop Sun <su...@dopsun.com> wrote: >>> >>> Well, there are couple of points while Jassandra is created: >>> >>> 1. First of all, I want to create something like that is because I come >>> from >>> JDBC background, and familiar with Hibernate API. The ICriteria (which is >>> created for querying) is inspired by the Criteria API from hibernate. >>> >>> Actually, maybe because of this background, it cost me a lot efforts try >>> to >>> understand Cassandra in the beginning and Thrift API also takes time to >>> use. >>> >>> 2. The Jassandra creates a layer, which removes the direct link to >>> underlying Thrift API (including the exceptions, ConsistencyLevel >>> enumeration etc) >>> >>> High light this point because I believe the client of the Jassandra will >>> benefit for the implementation changes in future, for example, if the >>> Cassandra provides better Thrift API to selecting the columns for a list >>> of >>> keys, SCFs, or deprecating some structures, exceptions, the client may >>> not >>> be changed. Of cause, if Jassandra failed to approve itself, this is >>> actually not the advantage. :) >>> >>> 3. The Jassandra is designed to be an JDBC like API, no less, no more. It >>> strives to use the best API to do the quering (with token, key, SCF/ CF), >>> doing the CRUD, but no more than that. For example, it does not cover any >>> API like object mapping. But it should cover all the API functionalities >>> Thrift provided. >>> >>> These 3 points, are different from Hector (I should be honest that I have >>> not tried to use it before, the feeling of difference are coming from the >>> sample code Hector provided). >>> >>> So, the API Jassandra abstracted was something like this: >>> >>> IConnection connection = DriverManager.getConnection( >>> "thrift://localhost:9160", info); >>> try { >>> // 2. Get a KeySpace by name >>> IKeySpace keySpace = connection.getKeySpace("Keyspace1"); >>> >>> // 3. Get a ColumnFamily by name >>> IColumnFamily cf = keySpace.getColumnFamily("Standard2"); >>> >>> // 4. Insert like this >>> long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); >>> ByteArray nameFirst = ByteArray.ofASCII("first"); >>> ByteArray nameLast = ByteArray.ofASCII("last"); >>> ByteArray nameAge = ByteArray.ofASCII("age"); >>> ByteArray valueLast = ByteArray.ofUTF8("Smith"); >>> IColumn colFirst = new Column(nameFirst, ByteArray.ofUTF8("John"), >>> now); >>> cf.insert(userName, colFirst); >>> >>> IColumn colLast = new Column(nameLast, valueLast, now); >>> cf.insert(userName, colLast); >>> >>> IColumn colAge = new Column(nameAge, ByteArray.ofLong(42), now); >>> cf.insert(userName, colAge); >>> >>> // 5. Select like this >>> ICriteria criteria = cf.createCriteria(); >>> criteria.keyList(Lists.newArrayList(userName)) >>> .columnRange(nameAge, nameLast, 10); >>> Map<String, List<IColumn>> map = criteria.select(); >>> List<IColumn> list = map.get(userName); >>> Assert.assertEquals(3, list.size()); >>> Assert.assertEquals(valueLast, list.get(2).getValue()); >>> >>> // 6. Delete like this >>> cf.delete(userName, colFirst); >>> map = criteria.select(); >>> Assert.assertEquals(2, map.get(userName).size()); >>> >>> // 7. Get count like this >>> criteria = cf.createCriteria(); >>> criteria.keyList(Lists.newArrayList(userName)); >>> int count = criteria.count(); >>> Assert.assertEquals(2, count); >>> } finally { >>> // 8. Don't forget to close the connection. >>> connection.close(); >>> >>> } >>> } >>> >>> -----Original Message----- >>> From: Jonathan Ellis [mailto:jbel...@gmail.com] >>> Sent: Monday, April 19, 2010 10:35 PM >>> To: user@cassandra.apache.org >>> >>> Subject: Re: Cassandra Java Client >>> >>> How is Jassandra different from http://github.com/rantav/hector ? >>> >>> On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 9:21 AM, Dop Sun <su...@dopsun.com> wrote: >>> > May I take this chance to share this link here: >>> > >>> > http://code.google.com/p/jassandra/ >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > It currently based with Cassandra 0.6 Thrift APIs. >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > The class ThriftCriteria and ThriftColumnFamily has direct use of >>> Thrift >>> > API. Also, the site itself has test code, which is actually works on >>> > Jassandra abstraction. >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > Dop >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > From: Nirmala Agadgar [mailto:nirmala...@gmail.com] >>> > Sent: Friday, April 16, 2010 5:56 PM >>> > To: user@cassandra.apache.org >>> > Subject: Cassandra Java Client >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > Hi, >>> > >>> > Can anyone tell how to implement Client that can insert data into >>> cassandra >>> > in Java. Any Code or guidelines would be helpful. >>> > >>> > - >>> > Nirmala >>> > >>> >>> >>> >> >> >