Which version of the JVM are you using?  Recent builds (u18, u19) have
significantly improved GC.

On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 3:51 PM, Daniel Kluesing <d...@bluekai.com> wrote:
> Has anyone done any tuning on the jvm gc options or are the options included 
> in bin/cassandra.in.sh basically the best choice?
> I'm working on getting our latency as consistent as possible, and the gc 
> likes to kick off 60+ms periods of unavailability for a node, which for my 
> application leads to a reasonable number of timed out requests. Outside of 
> the gc event, we get good responses.
> I'm happy with reduced throughput for shorter pauses, so I'm going to do the 
> standard jvm gc tuning guide[0] for short pauses, curious if anyone else has 
> gone down this path and gotten gc pauses consistent and low or if what's in 
> bin/cassandra.in.sh is basically the best I should expect. (Anyone tried 
> jrockit?)
> [0]http://java.sun.com/javase/technologies/hotspot/gc/gc_tuning_6.html

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