also += 1 was just an example, it could be += N, += 15 or whatever, it
depends on certain conditions , but I think it would work as well

El 17 de marzo de 2010 16:44, Juan Manuel García del Moral <> escribió:

> That's exactly what I need, Do you have an idea how can I implement this
> through the C++ API?
> Many thanks
> 2010/3/17 Ted Zlatanov <>
>> On Wed, 17 Mar 2010 16:29:27 -0300 Juan Manuel García del Moral <
>>> wrote:
>> JMGdM> I have this:
>> JMGdM> SocialAds.Anonimos['145']['Tag']['12'] = 13
>> JMGdM> I would need to to
>> JMGdM> SocialAds.Anonimos['145']['Tag']['12'] += 1
>> JMGdM> for example
>> JMGdM> with that, would be enough for now....
>> JMGdM> I don't want to retrieve the value, do 13+1 in my code, and
>> re-set() it to
>> JMGdM> 14
>> There are several ways, here's one idea:
>> So your (column family + row) key is A, the SuperColumn is B, and the
>> Column name is C.  You want to do ${A B C}++
>> If you can assign an identity to your writers, you can make unique
>> SuperColumns for each one and each writer can increment its own:
>> ${A B1 C}++
>> ${A B2 C}++
>> etc.
>> and then you can gather all the values, for example with bitmask queries
>> that match B*.  This is a fast operation if you don't have too many
>> SuperColumns (too many writers).  Do you expect more than 1000?
>> If you need to ensure that old writers are not counted, also add a
>> 'last' Column:
>> ${A B1 last}=timestamp1
>> and then your gather process can exclude outdated records.
>> Ted

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