I found an article on adding Maven dependencies to my ant script. While
I'm getting a successful build but the same exception when I run the
jar, I hope this is getting me closer. At least the pom.xml is in the
build. I am wondering if the added *fileset* is right and working. Here
is my latest:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <project name="KCBSEvents" default="jar" basedir="."
            <property name="build.properties" value="build.properties"/>
            <property name="resources" value="resource" />
            <property name="jardir" value="KCBSEvents" />
            <property name="KCBSDir" value="src/KCBSEvents" />
            <property name="member.number" value="000000" />
            <property name="member.name" value="" />
            <property name="jarpath" value="/${user.home}/.m2/repository" />
           *<path id="maven-ant-tasks.classpath"
    path="/lib/jvm-exports/maven-ant-tasks-2.1.3.jar" />**
    **        <typedef
    classpathref="maven-ant-tasks.classpath" />**
    **        <artifact:pom id="pomfile" file="pom.xml" />**
    **        <artifact:dependencies filesetId="mvn-dependencies"
    pomRefId="pomfile" />*
            <path id="compile-jars">
                            <include name="commons-io-2.5.jar" />
                            <include name="httpclient-4.5.6.jar" />
                            <include name="httpcore-4.4.10.jar" />
                            <include name="commons-logging-1.2.jar" />
                            <include name="commons-codec-1.10.jar" />
                            <include name="json-simple-1.1.1.jar" />
                    *<fileset refid="mvn-dependencies" />*
            <target name="checkOS">
                    <condition property="isWindows">
                            <os family="windows" />
                    <condition property="isLinux">
                            <os family="unix" />
            <target name="if_windows" depends="checkOS" if="isWindows">
                    <property name="jarfile"
    value="C:\temp\KCBSEvents.jar" />
                    <property name="antcontrib"
    value="H:\html\Applets\ant-contrib" />
            <target name="if_linux" depends="checkOS" if="isLinux">
                    <property name="jarfile"
    value="/tmp/${member.number}/KCBSEvents.jar" />
                    <property name="antcontrib"
    value="/var/www/html/Applets/ant-contrib/ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar" />
            <target name="setclass" depends="if_linux,if_windows">
                                    <pathelement location="${antcontrib}" />
            <target name="incserial" depends="setclass">
                    <copy todir="bin/${jardir}/${resources}">
                            <fileset dir="${KCBSDir}/${resources}">
                                    <include name="${build.properties}" />
                                    <expandproperties />
                    <if> <isset Property="build.number" /> <then>
                            <echo message="update build requested" />
                    </then> <else>
                            <echo message="new build requested" />
                            <buildnumber />
                    </else> </if>
                            <entry key="serialnumber"
    value="${build.number}" />
                            <entry key="membernumber"
    value="${member.number}" />
                            <entry key="name" value="${member.name}" />
                    <echo message="serial number: ${build.number}" />
            <target name="jar" description="Compile serialized jar"
                    <echo message="Using destination file ${jarfile}" />
                    <javac srcdir="src" destdir="bin"
    includeantruntime="false" classpathref="compile-jars" />
                    <jar destfile="${jarfile}" basedir="bin"
                                    <attribute name="Manifest-Version"
                                    <attribute name="Created-By"
    value="ant 1.9.2 on CentOS 7" />
                                    <attribute name="Main-Class"
    value="KCBSEvents.KCBSEvents" />

On 2/20/2019 3:22 PM, Jan Matèrne (jhm) wrote:
> If you have created your JAR the first step is done.
> Starting the JAR could be done in several ways. Common is that you have to 
> have all external classes on the runtime classpath:
> 1. Hard coded start script.
> Write a bash/bat-Script with the java command with all cp settings, e.g. (bat)
> @echo off
> java -cp /build/myjar.jar;lib/one.jar;lib/two.jar;lib/three.jar org.acme.Main 
> %*
> 2. Wrapper script which collects all JARs in a dynamic way (see 
> ant.bat|ant.sh)
> 3. Use Ant + <java><classpath> for starting
> 4. Create a runnable JAR which references the external JARs (manifest: 
> main-class + classpath)
> 5. Create a shaded jar (uber jar, fat jar): include all classes from external 
> jars into your jar
> 6. Use a launcher which uses a dependency manager for getting the classpath
> You don't have to replicate path definitions in your buildfile, you could 
> (and should) use references:
> <javac><classpath id="runtime.cp"><fileset dir="lib" includes="**/*.jar"/>…
> <java><classpath refid="runtime.cp"/>
> You mave have a look at 
> http://ant.apache.org/manual/tutorial-HelloWorldWithAnt.html
> Jan

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