By my definition of wiki it should allow all users to edit any page or to 
create a new page. Oh, that also happens to be Ward Cunningham's definition, 
and he created the first wiki and defined it that way. Oh, 
also agrees with my definition.  I realize that your definition of wiki may be 
different, and I am not trying to get into a I am right your wrong (there is 
plenty of room for different interpretations). In my opinion a wiki should 
allow all users to edit and create pages and if it doesn't it shouldn't be 
called a wiki. I also understand that it may be a wiki (by my definition) to a 
select group of people that could be made available (as a non-wiki) for a 
larger group of people. To the larger group of people it should be called 
something else.  Maybe if enough people research it and come of with my 
interpretation of the definition of wiki then maybe consider renaming it (or 
not). Regardless it would be nice to have a publicly editable site for 
contributors like me to contribute to (besides this mailing list).  
SLDR(Stephen L. De Rudder)> Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2012 19:30:32 -0400
> Subject: Re: ANT Wiki isn't wiki
> From:
> To:
> A wiki doesn't have to be publicly editable to be a wiki. Wikipedia may
> operate like that, but there are plenty of projects whose wikis are only
> editable by registered users.
> On Apr 15, 2012 6:32 PM, "Stephen L. De Rudder" <> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > The ant wiki isn't a wiki. It seems like most if not all the pages can not
> > be modified by anonymous contributers. Please don't call it a wiki if
> > people are not allowed to contribute. I wanted to add a page about the OS
> > condition tag, but I couldn't. The manual only goes into detail about the
> > <OS family="xxx"> stuff but ignores the name, arch, and version. It took me
> > a while but I found that those seem to be populated from the java
> > properties, os.arch, and os.version. I think others could have
> > benifited from my research if your wiki was a wiki. SLDR(Stephen L. De
> > Rudder) I can't complain too much, the company I work for created a public
> > wiki too. They do allow paying maintence and support customers to request
> > access so they can contribute to the wiki (none to my knoledge have). After
> > enough complaining (mostly be me) we are about to remove the wiki and
> > rollout an expanded faq/blog site.

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