Is there a way to force Ant 1.8.2 to use JUnit4 for JUnit4 tests which it 
does not recognize correctly?

I have JUnit4 test classes which extend a class (SeleneseTestCase) which 
in turn extends junit.framework.TestCase.
The tests require a custom JUnit4 Runner which is annotated to the test 
classes using @org.junit.runner.RunWith.
To my knowledge, it is perfectly okay for JUnit4 test classes to have ANY 
super class. Other tools do handle the tests as JUnit4.
(Every developer would recognize the class as JUnit4 at first glance, just 
from the @RunWith annotation.)
With Ant 1.7.0, I was able to reliably switch to JUnit4 by adding JUnit4 
With Ant 1.8.2, my JUnit4 tests are run by JUnit3, without a happy ending 
as you can imagine.



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