Hello all, Currently I and AFAIK other rely on copy paste for reusing tasks. Antlib make reusing tasks and macros easier. However I don't see wide reuse for this. Now that ivy is become more popular, would it possible to create a project of ant for maintaining a repo of reusable tasks ?
For example, I have this in many build files. A macro to build a jar file from directory structure following maven directory structure: <macrodef name="compile-macro"> <attribute name="source" default="src/main"/> <attribute name="target" default="target/${ant.project.name}"/> <element name="compile-path" /> <sequential> <mkdir dir="@{target}"/> <javac destdir="@{target}" includeantruntime="false" source="1.7" debug="yes"> <src path="@{source}/java"/> <classpath> <compile-path /> </classpath> </javac> <copy todir="@{target}" failonerror="no"> <fileset dir="@{source}/resources"/> </copy> </sequential> </macrodef> One way to avoid this, is to wrap it in an antlib, and install it in my ~/.ant/lib. However, other can not build this project unless then have the antlib.jar. A possible solution would be to put it in a maven repo, and configure ivy to download it to the current project. Tasks using this macro will be called with "-lib path_to_jars_option". I am not sure if there's a better way. Wouldn't it be good idea, to create a project under ant project umbrella beside ant libraries, that will maintain a repo of tasks approved by the community and proven to be useful ? Knowing that we do this by searching the net and previous project to copy/paste snippet, this will make it easier for us to reuse code in a cleaner way, and will never take away any of the flexibility of ant. What do others think ? --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: user-unsubscr...@ant.apache.org For additional commands, e-mail: user-h...@ant.apache.org