I tried with below file but still it is checking for network connection. <project basedir="." name="hazard" default="TransformFile"> <property name="in.xml" value="coverage.xml"/> <property name="out.file" value="hazardSource.html"/> <property name="xslt.file" value="Convert.xslt"/> <property name="sources" value="V:/ic010375_nt_vb36b/sdm/src/j_mods"/>
<target name="TransformFile"> <!-- Transform one file into an HTML file --> <xslt in="${in.xml}" out="${out.file}" style="${xslt.file}"> <xmlcatalog> <dtd publicid="coverage" location="${basedir}/coverage-04.dtd"/> </xmlcatalog> </xslt> </target> </project> DTD entry in coverage.xml is <!DOCTYPE coverage SYSTEM "http://cobertura.sourceforge.net/xml/coverage-04.dtd"> Note: I created empty file in basedir with name coverage-04.dtd ---------------------------------------------------------------- With best regards, Ashish Soni Siemens Information Systems Ltd. Corporate Technology Corporate Development Center India Healthcare 1 PACS No 84, Keonics Electronics City, Hosur Road, Bangalore 560100 Tel.: +91 80 2511 3353 mailto.: ashish.s...@siemens.com<mailto:ashish.s...@siemens.com> www.siemens.co.in<http://www.siemens.co.in> ________________________________ From: Andy Stevens [mailto:insomniacpeng...@googlemail.com] Sent: Monday, February 06, 2012 1:29 PM To: Ant Users List Cc: Soni, Ashish IN BLR SISL Subject: Re: Disable DTD validation You need to supply a catalog entry to map the system uri to a local copy. Can't remember the details offhand, but I'm pretty sure the task's configuration allows for this. Or it might be a separate xml catalog task. Check the docs. Andy On 6 Feb 2012 05:41, "Soni, Ashish IN BLR SISL" <ashish.s...@siemens.com<mailto:ashish.s...@siemens.com>> wrote: Hello all! I have a XML document with <DOCTYPE> section: <!DOCTYPE coverage SYSTEM "http://cobertura.sourceforge.net/xml/coverage-04.dtd"> (XML coverage report of cobertura) When I try process this document with <xslt> task, it fails with ConnectException. How can I prevent XSLT processor from validating of XML document? Or may be from loading external DTDs. I check old post they are taking about xmlcatalog, but in above dtd we don't have publicid. Any help is appreciated! ---------------------------------------------------------------- With best regards, Ashish Soni Siemens Information Systems Ltd. Corporate Technology Corporate Development Center India Healthcare 1 PACS No 84, Keonics Electronics City, Hosur Road, Bangalore 560100 Tel.: +91 80 2511 3353<tel:%2B91%2080%202511%203353> mailto.: ashish.s...@siemens.com<mailto:ashish.s...@siemens.com><mailto:ashish.s...@siemens.com<mailto:ashish.s...@siemens.com>> www.siemens.co.in<http://www.siemens.co.in><http://www.siemens.co.in>