I tried with below file but still it is checking for network connection.

<project basedir="." name="hazard" default="TransformFile">
      <property name="in.xml" value="coverage.xml"/>
      <property name="out.file" value="hazardSource.html"/>
      <property name="xslt.file" value="Convert.xslt"/>
      <property name="sources" value="V:/ic010375_nt_vb36b/sdm/src/j_mods"/>

      <target name="TransformFile">
            <!-- Transform one file into an HTML file -->
            <xslt in="${in.xml}" out="${out.file}"
                        <dtd publicid="coverage" 

DTD entry in coverage.xml is
<!DOCTYPE coverage SYSTEM 

Note: I created empty file in basedir with name coverage-04.dtd

With best regards,
Ashish Soni

Siemens Information Systems Ltd.
Corporate Technology
Corporate Development Center India
Healthcare 1

No 84, Keonics Electronics City,
Hosur Road, Bangalore 560100
Tel.:  +91 80 2511 3353
mailto.: ashish.s...@siemens.com<mailto:ashish.s...@siemens.com>
From: Andy Stevens [mailto:insomniacpeng...@googlemail.com]
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2012 1:29 PM
To: Ant Users List
Cc: Soni, Ashish IN BLR SISL
Subject: Re: Disable DTD validation

You need to supply a catalog entry to map the system uri to a local copy. Can't 
remember the details offhand, but I'm pretty sure the task's configuration 
allows for this. Or it might be a separate xml catalog task. Check the docs.

On 6 Feb 2012 05:41, "Soni, Ashish IN BLR SISL" 
<ashish.s...@siemens.com<mailto:ashish.s...@siemens.com>> wrote:
Hello all!

I have a XML document with <DOCTYPE> section: <!DOCTYPE coverage SYSTEM 
"http://cobertura.sourceforge.net/xml/coverage-04.dtd";> (XML coverage report of 

When I try process this document with <xslt> task, it fails with 
ConnectException. How can I prevent XSLT processor from validating of XML 
document? Or may be from loading external DTDs.

I check old post they are taking about xmlcatalog, but in above dtd we don't 
have publicid.

Any help is appreciated!

With best regards,
Ashish Soni

Siemens Information Systems Ltd.
Corporate Technology
Corporate Development Center India
Healthcare 1

No 84, Keonics Electronics City,
Hosur Road, Bangalore 560100
Tel.:  +91 80 2511 3353<tel:%2B91%2080%202511%203353>

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