You need to supply a catalog entry to map the system uri to a local copy.
Can't remember the details offhand, but I'm pretty sure the task's
configuration allows for this. Or it might be a separate xml catalog task.
Check the docs.

On 6 Feb 2012 05:41, "Soni, Ashish IN BLR SISL" <>

> Hello all!
> I have a XML document with <DOCTYPE> section: <!DOCTYPE coverage SYSTEM "
>";> (XML coverage
> report of cobertura)
> When I try process this document with <xslt> task, it fails with
> ConnectException. How can I prevent XSLT processor from validating of XML
> document? Or may be from loading external DTDs.
> I check old post they are taking about xmlcatalog, but in above dtd we
> don't have publicid.
> Any help is appreciated!
>  ----------------------------------------------------------------
> With best regards,
> Ashish Soni
> Siemens Information Systems Ltd.
> Corporate Technology
> Corporate Development Center India
> Healthcare 1
> No 84, Keonics Electronics City,
> Hosur Road, Bangalore 560100
> Tel.:  +91 80 2511 3353
> mailto.:<>

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