Moin Wolfgang,

> I want to provide a *single antlib* with the following requirements:
> (a) must work with Ant 1.7.x and newer
> (b) uses <componentdef />  appearing to be a 1.8.x feature.

> don't we need a conditional component-, type-,
> macrodef and  taskdef definition??

You could parse ${ant.version}.

ant.version=Apache Ant version 1.8.1 compiled on April 30 2010

<echoproperties prefix="ant"/>

> <antlib xmlns:c="ant:current">
>   <ifver  gt="1.8.0" eq="1.8.0">
>     <componentdef name=".." .. />

A better solution would be to check for the availability of
the type you intend to use, like this:

<condition property="svn.type.found">
    <typefound name="svn"/>
    <typefound name="svnFileSet"/>
    <typefound name="svnAdded"/><!-- etc -->
    <typefound name="svnExists"/>


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