> > Does anyone know if I can instruct the <post> task, or rather 
> > the HTTP library it is using to continue in the face of an 
> > unverifiable certificate, in the way curl can be configured 
> > accordingly using the -k/--insecure switch?
> Looks like using the keytool utility might bring some progress.

I exported the certificate from the site I need to trust using
Firefox, page information, security, export.

I then imported the certificate using keytool:

keytool -importcert -file D:\FirewareWebServer.crt

Now instruct the JVM used by Ant to use the keytore file:

set ANT_OPTS=-Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=L:\.keystore 

Windows gotcha: Don't put quotes around the value!

Now both <get> and <post> do work.


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