I want to deploy stuff to a server accessible only by its UNC path supplying a username and password. This is usually done using Windows Explorer. I think this is called Windows Authentication, or NTLM, or both - not sure.
What are my options using Java? Specifically, using Ant? The clients I want to run my Ant script from are also Windows. So far, I've found the following: http://jcifs.samba.org/ http://www.luigidragone.com/networking/ntlm.html - from 2002 I'm not at all sure any of it is appropriate, so I'm looking for advice. My current solution uses Explorer to handle authentication: <property name="share" value="\\\bla"/> <exec executable="explorer"> <arg value="${share}"/> </exec> <input message="Anmeldung an ${share} klar? Dann ENTER druecken!"/> <copy file="test.txt" todir="${share}"/> This requires a Windows OS and a user. There might be something better. -- Michael Ludwig