i am developing an application that uses a repository for plugins at runtime
i just need IVY to tell me what are the dependencies ,
i can do the rest my self

where can i find this programming api , and some samples

thank you

On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 9:24 AM, Klaas Reineke <klaas.rein...@blau.de>wrote:

> Hi,
> there is a programmatical API but it does not provide all the nice tasks
> that exists for ANT. Sadly a lot of the cool features Ivy includes is
> directly tied to ANT and uses ANT data structures. I tried to build a ruby
> gem for Ivy to be used with buildr and in the end had to fall back to the
> ANT interface.
> Regards Klaas
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shay Tessler [mailto:shay...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Monday, October 11, 2010 12:27 AM
> To: ivy-u...@ant.apache.org
> Subject: Using IVY programatically
> hey all.
> i am writing an java application based on plug-ins ,
> i wish to use IVY ,to help me with dependencies issue when installing a
> plug-in at run time
> each plug-in should have some jar's he depends on ,
> i need IVY to help me with what jar i can keep and what jar are not
> necessary
> i am new to IVY ,and i notice only XML configuration tutorial
> is there an API and examples how to use IVY problematically
> just to tell me what files to download , and i can trigger the download
> manually
> thank you

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