Thanks, this gives me something to consider.

On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 1:22 PM, David Weintraub <> wrote:
> Not 100% sure what you're asking. Let me get a synopsis:
> 1. You have two "source" folders: One contains "generated" *.java
> files. (I'm assuming *.java). The other contains *.java that you've
> coded.
> 2. When you compile, you want the files in the "hand coded" *.java
> files to be used instead of the ones in the "generated" sources file.
> My solution (since these are source files is to first copy the
> "generated" *.java files into a third folder, then copy over the "hand
> coded" *.java files with "overwrite". That'll overwrite any files with
> the same name with the "generated" ones deleted and the "hand coded"
> ones kept.
> Then, you compile the third source folder (the one you've copied all
> the files to). This will save you from compiling source code that
> isn't needed.
> Is this what you want?
> On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 4:32 PM, Michael Giroux <> wrote:
>> I have two source folders in my project.  On folder contains files
>> that are generated by the build, and a second folder contains our
>> hand-coded sources.   If cases where package and class names are the
>> same, we only want to include the sources from the hand-coded src
>> tree, so we need to delete corresponding files from the generated src
>> folder.
>> The script should
>> 1. generate src
>> 2. delete files from generated folder that have same package/class
>> names as files in the src tree
>> 3. compile
>> I'm looking at the <delete> and <resources> descriptions, but so far,
>> not able to build a delete task that does what I need.  Reading the
>> docs, it looks like I should be able to accomplish this:
>> <delete dir="generated">
>> <restrict>
>> <intersect>
>> <fileset dir="generated/*.java"/>
>> <fileset dir="src/*.java"/>
>> </intersect>
>> </restrict>
>> </delete>
>> {{ syntax incomplete }}
>> Up to now, the delete is removing every file from the generated directory.
>> Any pointers will be appreciated.
>> Michael
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> David Weintraub
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