How do you use tasks that are moved to the Sandbox? Is there a way to rebuild the ant-starteam.jar from those Sandbox files?
All that are there are the *.java files. What about the documentation, test/build files, etc? Using Google to try to put this all back together I found references to a manual for this task. I found an old copy at: Also, I found patches on the Ant dev mailing list archives as late as September 2009 and there are still bugs listed in the Bugzilla report: |47995|New|Nor|2009-10-14|StarTeam: The 'StarTeam exclusive lock' option |47996|New|Nor|2009-10-14|StarTeam: addUncontrolled option doesn't work | so is there a central spot this is being maintained? Where? Dan T. -----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2010 4:04 AM To: Subject: AW: missing ant-starteam.jar The StarTeam tasks moved to Sandbox in 2007 to remove external tasks where we dont have the software for development/test from the core. Jan >-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- >Von: Thibadeau, Daniel [] >Gesendet: Montag, 13. September 2010 17:25 >An: >Betreff: missing ant-starteam.jar > >I am trying to use Ant with our StarTeam implementation. I've >found documentation that says Ant supports StarTeam, but it >seems the ant-starteam.jar is missing from the Optional Tasks. > >This gives a 404 error: > > > >The only thing I found when doing a search for StarTeam on the > web site is some "Checkstyle Audit" and Sandbox pages: > > >runk/src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs/optional/starteam/ > >Is this no longer supported? --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: