> The following does not work for me, though:
> <project default="copy">
>   <property name="source.dir" location="src"/>
>   <property name="target.dir" location="lib"/>
>   <target name="copy">
>     <copy todir="${target.dir}">
>       <fileset dir="${source.dir}">
>         <include name="*/lib/**/*.*"/>
>         <exclude name="**/urmel.*"/>
>       </fileset>
>       <regexpmapper from="${source.dir}/*/lib/(.*)" to="\1" 
> handledirsep="1"/>

And this is hardly surprising as I was confounding shell patterns and
regular expressions. The following, while not working, is at least a
suitable regular expression:

  <regexpmapper handledirsep="1"
          to="\1" />

How is @handledirsep supposed to work?
Michael Ludwig

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