I don't understand, how to use ant-webdav?

On Sat, Sep 18, 2010 at 10:24 PM, Ludwig, Michael <
michael.lud...@delphi-mb.de> wrote:

> > From: Chee Yang Chau
> > To: Ant Users List
> > Subject: Is ANT support WebDav task?
> >
> > As subject.
> From "Ant in Anger", apparently written in 2005:
>  A WebDav task has long been discussed, which would provide a more
>  secure upload to web servers, but it is still in the todo list. Rumour
>  has it that there is such a task in the jakarta-slide libraries. With
>  MacOS X, Linux and Windows XP all supporting WebDAV file systems, you
>  may even be able to use copy to deploy though a firewall.
> Try this: http://mvnrepository.com/artifact/slide/ant-webdav
> --
> Michael Ludwig
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Best regards,
Chau Chee Yang

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