Thanks for your help Martin and Jan!

Sorry I missed that part of the manual Jan. :/
It was pretty much what I was looking for.


On 7 May 2010 09:24,  <> wrote:
> From the <import> manual:
>  <import>
>    <javaresource name="common/targets.xml">
>      <classpath location="common.jar"/>
>    </javaresource>
>  </import>
> Jan
>>-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>>Von: Frank Wilson []
>>Gesendet: Donnerstag, 6. Mai 2010 17:59
>>Betreff: importing ant targets from the classpath
>>I would like to import ant build targets from the classpath. In
>>otherwords, I am looking for an equivalent of the "import" task, which
>>brings files not from the filesystem, but from the classpath (and
>>hence possibly from a jar). I doesn't seem to me that this is possible
>>with the import task. I was wondering if I have overlooked some other
>>facet of ant that allows this kind of functionality.
>>I need this kind of functionality because I have a lot of different
>>projects that build in a similar fashion. Currently I import the
>>common build targets from an ant file in a common directory, however I
>>would rather distribute this common build file using the maven
>>dependency mechanism for extra flexibility.
>>Ideally I would like to not have to check out the common build logic
>>unless I intend to change it.
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