Hello all!

I'just hit a problem with the following code:

--- snip---------------------------------
> ant -version
Apache Ant version 1.8.0 compiled on February 1 2010

--- snip---------------------------------
    <tar tarfile="${dist}/${project}.tar" longfile="gnu">
      <tarfileset src="${prj1}/dist/${sub_prj1}.tar"/> 
      <tarfileset src="${prj2}/dist/${sub_prj2}.tar"/>
      <tarfileset src="${prj3}/dist/${sub_prj3}.tar"/>
      <tarfileset src="${prj4}/dist/${sub_prj4}.tar"/>
      <tarfileset src="${prj5}/dist/${sub_prj5}.tar"/>
      <tarfileset src="${prj6}/dist/${sub_prj6}.tar"/>
      <tarfileset src="${prj7}/dist/${sub_prj7}.tar"/>-->
      <for list="${modules}" param="module">
          <tarfileset src="@{module}/dist/@{module}.tar"/>
--- snip---------------------------------

OK. Of course it would be nicer in the first place if one could use the 
commented out construction with <for>... :-)
But this is of course not working... (<tar> does not support nested <for>)

But in this working example the "sub modules" are (ant generated) .tar files 
which have got directories (empty and not empty) with associated uid/gid 
values. They were generated (externaly in other files) with <tarfileset 
dir="..."> constructs.

Now I want to "re-package" this whole stuff into one new .tar which should 
leave the ownerships as they are! But it seems that using <tarfileset 
src="..."> drops all directory entries and so <tar> just collects all the 
files with their attributes... :-(

Anyone nows why this happens and how to overcome this?

Thanks! Salut, Joerg

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