The really strange thing is that the virtual machine that launches the dos command does indeed spawn correctly as I can see its process complete. I've even debugged it right to the very end.

So it seems that the grandparent process responsible for running the ant java task has some strange connection
with the grandchild dos command window:

java.exe ---> ant-java (fork=true, spawn=false) ---> ant- exec (spawn=true) ---> cmd.exe alive alive dead!!! alive

On 27 Apr 2009, at 20:46, Ashley Williams wrote:

Didn't make any difference. I did however get the stack trace from the ant java task vm and the only non daemon thread
dump looks like this:

Thread [main] (Suspended)       
        ProcessImpl.waitFor() line: not available [native method]       
        Execute.waitFor(Process) line: 551      
        Execute.execute() line: 482     
        Java.fork(String[]) line: 784   
        Java.executeJava(CommandlineJava) line: 211     
        Java.executeJava() line: 132    
        Java.execute() line: 105        
NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Method, Object, Object[]) line: not available [native method] NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: not available DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: not available
        Method.invoke(Object, Object...) line: not available    
        DispatchUtils.execute(Object) line: 106 
        Java(Task).perform() line: 348  
        Target.execute() line: 357      
        Target.performTasks() line: 385 
        Project.executeSortedTargets(Vector) line: 1337 
        Project.executeTarget(String) line: 1306        
        ProtoProject.antTest() line: 105        
        ProtoProject.main(String[]) line: 58    

On 27 Apr 2009, at 20:13, Martin Gainty wrote:

in your programmatic call what happens if you put in a

before the execute()

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
// top level project
Project project = new Project();

// project has a target child
Target target = new Target();

// target has an exec child
ExecTask execTask = new ExecTask();


execTask.setDir(new File("."));

addArg(execTask, "/c");

addArg(execTask, "start");

addArg(execTask, "test.bat");



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Subject: Re: Calling ant programatically
Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2009 18:42:04 +0100

Ok here's a little more context.

It seems that the exec/spawn=true command works as expected when
called on its own directly from java.exe
but not from an intermediate ant java task, so:

1. GOOD... When I launch the cmd.exe from a programmatic ant exec
task, the exec task and java.exe both complete, and the dos window
remains until I close it ( I've left a large gap in the chain
description so it lines up with the next example):

   java.exe   ---

-exec (spawn=true)   --->   cmd.exe
   (terminates before dos cmd.exe window is closed)

2. BAD... When I insert an programmatic ant java task, the exec task
appears to complete but the ant java task doesn't. Then when
I close the dos window the java.exe process completes also. This is
despite the ant-exec spawn attribute being true.

   java.exe   --->   ant-java (fork=true, spawn=false)   --->   ant-
exec (spawn=true)   --->   cmd.exe
   (terminates only when dos cmd.exe window is closed)

I know it looks a little unusual to have the extra ant-java task in
there but it is necessary for my use-case and I don't have
the option to set spawn to true for it. Any ideas?

Many Thanks
- Ashley

On 24 Apr 2009, at 13:20, Ashley Williams wrote:


I  would like to know how to start a batch file in a new dos window
without blocking the java process and so naturally I
tried the following that does work:

<project name="project" default="target" basedir=".">
<target name="target">
          <exec executable="cmd" spawn="true" dir="${basedir}">
            <arg value="/c"/>
            <arg value="start"/>
            <arg value="test.bat"/>

However I need to be able to do this from java and so I used the
following snippet of code that I thought would
represent the same functionality as the ant script:

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        // top level project
        Project project = new Project();

        // project has a target child
        Target target = new Target();
        // target has an exec child
        ExecTask execTask = new ExecTask();
        execTask.setDir(new File("."));
        addArg(execTask, "/c");
        addArg(execTask, "start");
        addArg(execTask, "test.bat");

However it doesn't matter whether or not I set true of false for the
spawn property the java process blocks
every time until I close the dos window by hand. Is there something
else I need to do to more closely
replicate the ant script?

- Ashley

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