Ok here's a little more context.

It seems that the exec/spawn=true command works as expected when called on its own directly from java.exe
but not from an intermediate ant java task, so:

1. GOOD... When I launch the cmd.exe from a programmatic ant exec task, the exec task and java.exe both complete, and the dos window remains until I close it ( I've left a large gap in the chain description so it lines up with the next example):

java.exe --- > ant -exec (spawn=true) ---> cmd.exe
    (terminates before dos cmd.exe window is closed)

2. BAD... When I insert an programmatic ant java task, the exec task appears to complete but the ant java task doesn't. Then when I close the dos window the java.exe process completes also. This is despite the ant-exec spawn attribute being true.

java.exe ---> ant-java (fork=true, spawn=false) ---> ant- exec (spawn=true) ---> cmd.exe
    (terminates only when dos cmd.exe window is closed)

I know it looks a little unusual to have the extra ant-java task in there but it is necessary for my use-case and I don't have
the option to set spawn to true for it. Any ideas?

Many Thanks
- Ashley

On 24 Apr 2009, at 13:20, Ashley Williams wrote:


I would like to know how to start a batch file in a new dos window without blocking the java process and so naturally I
tried the following that does work:

<project name="project" default="target" basedir=".">
 <target name="target">
          <exec executable="cmd" spawn="true" dir="${basedir}">
            <arg value="/c"/>
            <arg value="start"/>
            <arg value="test.bat"/>

However I need to be able to do this from java and so I used the following snippet of code that I thought would
represent the same functionality as the ant script:

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        // top level project
        Project project = new Project();

        // project has a target child
        Target target = new Target();
        // target has an exec child
        ExecTask execTask = new ExecTask();
        execTask.setDir(new File("."));
        addArg(execTask, "/c");
        addArg(execTask, "start");
        addArg(execTask, "test.bat");

However it doesn't matter whether or not I set true of false for the spawn property the java process blocks every time until I close the dos window by hand. Is there something else I need to do to more closely
replicate the ant script?

- Ashley

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