On 2008-11-20, Gilbert Rebhan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 1. Are there any gotchas i have to be aware of, means are their
>    any standard tasks/types that behave different from 1.6.5, maybe
>    only in special circumstances ?

Your best source may be bugzilla.  Search for bugs of type Regression
which are reported against 1.7.0 or 1.7.1.  Some of them may be fixed
in trunk, some are not.

>From the top of my head there is a regression in scriptcondition and
potentially other tasks if the script family.  And there was a bug in
1.6.5 where Ant would always recompile a package-info.java, the fix
introduced a regression for certain rare scenarios.

I'm sure there are more.

> 2. Is Ant 1.7.1 fully downwardly compatible, means just switching the
>    ant version without changing my scripts doesn't break the workflow ?
>    Maybe it's only about using newer versions of bsf.jar ... etc. ?

It is supposed to be.  Review the WHATSNEW file, in particular the
"changes that could break ..." section.

We have changed the way references are handled.  If you used
references to tasks/types that are in targets that haven't yet been
executed, it won't work.

Xalan-J 1.x ans XSL:P are no longer supported.  Some tasks that depend
on external libs you cannot obtain anymore have been removed.

> 3. What are the most significant new features one should get used to ?

resource collections.

JUnit4 support.

<junit> works without junit.jar on the CLASSPATH.  This was the
biggest change in my work environment.

<script> and friend can work with JSR 223, i.e. you don't need BSF at
all when using Java 6.

> 4. Which new features should be used where possible because of
>    significant performance boost ?

I think scanning of directories got quite a bit faster (you don't need
to do anything to make use of it), although trunk is a whole lot
faster for big trees.

> 5. Any of the common Ant addons, like f.e. antcontrib, antelope,
>    antxtras that do not work with ant 1.7.1 ?

antcontrib works, can't speak for the others.  We know that current
Ant trunk breaks antxtras, but the antxtras maintainer is working with
us to resolve it.  In general, Ant tries very hard to stay backwards
compatible.  We still carry around tasks that have been deprecated in
Ant 1.2.

> i need arguments to convince my boss to upgrade

look through the WHATSNEW file to see whether anything could tickle
your boss's fancy.  Unlike Ant 1.6 which came with import and
macrodef, the 1.7.x series doesn't introduce major new features IIRC -
resource collections may be one.


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