
i want to upgrade from ant 1.6.5 to 1.7.1

Some questions, hope for some answers/tips due to your
practical experience.

Given is a workflow, with a bunch of selfwritten tasks,
macrodefs/scriptdefs (mostly ruby),running on windows 2000/
2003/XP and AIX, with sun jdk 1.5.0_11

1. Are there any gotchas i have to be aware of, means are their
   any standard tasks/types that behave different from 1.6.5, maybe
   only in special circumstances ?
2. Is Ant 1.7.1 fully downwardly compatible, means just switching the
   ant version without changing my scripts doesn't break the workflow ?
   Maybe it's only about using newer versions of bsf.jar ... etc. ?
3. What are the most significant new features one should get used to ?
4. Which new features should be used where possible because of
   significant performance boost ?
5. Any of the common Ant addons, like f.e. antcontrib, antelope,
   antxtras that do not work with ant 1.7.1 ?

!! and finally !!
i need arguments to convince my boss to upgrade
a "hey boss, it's almost christmas ..."
won't be enough ;-)))

Thanks for any hints and tips.

Regards, Gilbert

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