Rob Appreciate your response there. Your approach does allow the env variables read but I'm not sure why rexec hangs when it reaches the end of command execution.
<rexec userid="${a_user}" password="${a_word}" server="${a_host}" command=". ./.profile; cd ${a_dir}; pwd; echo $MD $JAM; nohup ./try ${Test} \u038 ; echo 2; exit;"> </rexec> <echo message=" end of target"/> Output [rexec] stty: : Invalid argument [rexec] /root [rexec] /mdm /opt [rexec] Starting prstat. [rexec] pid = 1985 [rexec] 2 <---------- hangs there, it doesn't move on to echo message. Is there a way to get out of <rexec> task or is it a defect of <rexec> task ? Thanks