You could also source the .profile in your ant script...

<rexec userid="${aname}"
           command=". .profile ; cd ${i_dir}; echo $A_HOME $JDK_HOME" />

-Rob Anderson

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Loughran [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 2:40 AM
To: Ant Users List
Subject: Re: rexec and setting env variables on remote host

Z W wrote:
> Hi
> I tried using rexec task to invoke a shell script.
> <rexec userid="${aname}"
>            password="${apass}"
>            server="${host}"
>            command="cd ${i_dir}; echo $A_HOME $JDK_HOME" />
> The output is as follows:
>     [rexec] /af/gord
>     [echo]
> But when I check the local host of this unix box, the variables are
set in
> .profile. When echoed, they are displayed.
> How do I make sure the shell sets these variables in Ant script using
> ? source command isn't available on the unix box.

You've just dropped out of the ant world into the remote linux world.

* You only get stuff in .profile, .cshrc or whatever if you get  a login

prompt, and by default SSH prompts and other remote connections arent.

* I think its an SSH option to turn this back on. Otherwise run bash 
-login to run bash as a login

Steve Loughran        
Author: Ant in Action 

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