The open command may background the app. I would look at the command
line options for "open" to see if you can run the app in the foreground.
You could also look inside the application directory for the executable
and run that instead of open.

-Rob Anderson

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Barnes-Hoggett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2007 9:16 AM
> To:
> Subject: Running .app on Mac OSX
> Hi all,
>  I have an ant script that's been working on Win XP, and I'm 
> trying to get it working on a Mac.
> Basically, I want to run an app (its a swf player) that 
> writes contents out to a file, then closes. Ant waits till 
> the process has finished, then reads the file. So, on Win XP, 
> this works:
> <target name="runTest" description="runs the test harness"
> depends="compileTest">
>             <exec executable="${debugPlayer}" spawn="no" >
>              <arg line="'${testHarness.swf}'"/>
>             </exec>
> </target>
> But from what I have found on a mac, I have to use the 'open' 
> command like
> this:
>     <target name="runtestosx" description="runs the test harness">
>             <exec executable="open" spawn="no" >
>                 <arg line="${debugPlayer}}"/>
>                  <arg line="'${testHarness.swf}'"/>
>             </exec>
>     </target>
> The problem is that the ant script continues when the 'open' 
> command completes, not when the app actually closes.
> Does anyone have any suggestions for how I might attack this 
> problem? Quite new to ANT, so any help would be much appreciated
> Thx
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