Hello Paul,

You should be able to get around this by using the "waitfor" task with a
nested "available" check on the output file. 


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Paul Barnes-Hoggett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2007 6:16 PM
>To: user@ant.apache.org
>Subject: Running .app on Mac OSX
>Hi all,
> I have an ant script that's been working on Win XP, and I'm 
>trying to get
>it working on a Mac.
>Basically, I want to run an app (its a swf player) that writes 
>contents out
>to a file, then closes. Ant waits till the process has 
>finished, then reads
>the file. So, on Win XP, this works:
><target name="runTest" description="runs the test harness"
>            <exec executable="${debugPlayer}" spawn="no" >
>             <arg line="'${testHarness.swf}'"/>
>            </exec>
>But from what I have found on a mac, I have to use the 'open' 
>command like
>    <target name="runtestosx" description="runs the test harness">
>            <exec executable="open" spawn="no" >
>                <arg line="${debugPlayer}}"/>
>                 <arg line="'${testHarness.swf}'"/>
>            </exec>
>    </target>
>The problem is that the ant script continues when the 'open' command
>completes, not when the app actually closes.
>Does anyone have any suggestions for how I might attack this 
>problem? Quite
>new to ANT, so any help would be much appreciated
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