I have created classpath in a build file and using it in the same build file
for compiling java source files. When I checked the log file I found that
classfile destination folder(absolute path of class.dest) was also included in
the classpath though I had not specified it in eg.class.pathAs a result, it is
creating more class files.I suspect that this is due to that extra path in
Is there any way to exclude that classpath while compiling java source files?
The extra class files that are generated are required by eg2.xml. But they are
already created while building eg1.jar and eg1.jar is spcified in classpath.
But still while compiling eg2 source files these class files are getting
generated again. Why is it so?
Log file:
[javac] Using modern compiler [javac] Compilation
arguments: [javac] \'-d\' [javac]
\'E:\\samplebuild\\eg\\eg2\\classfiles\' [javac]
\'-classpath\' [javac]
[javac] \'-sourcepath\' [javac]
\'E:\\samplebuild\\eg\\eg2\\sourcefiles\' [javac]
\'-g:none\' [javac] [javac] The \'
characters around the executable and arguments are [javac]
not part of the command. [javac] Files to be
compiled: . . .
Build file:
<javac srcdir=\"${src.dest}\" destdir=\"${class.dest}\"
includeAntRuntime=\"no\"> <include
name=\"*.java\"/> <classpath