Thanks for reformatting the mail.I tried with <update> task. It works 
better.On Mon, 28 May 2007 19:32:21 -0400 \"Ant Users List\" wroteIt was a bit 
hard to read your email. Please set your email to sendonly text formated emails 
to this list. Otherwise, they get munged andit\'s hard to see what you\'re 
doing. I\'ve reformatted your email belowto help make it clear what you were 
showing as an example:In your example, you use the \"outofdate\" task to simply 
call an anttask. Why not use the standard \"uptodate\" task, so you don\'t 
dependupon the antcontrib target?The main problem is that you call the 
create-jar task with outofdate,but the create-jar task depends upon the compile 
task, so that getscalled anyway. I think what you want to do is create only the 
jars andnot do the compile. (Is this correct?). To do that, remove 
thedependency on the compile task for the create-jars task.=========From: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] com queryTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED] apache. orgDate: Mon, 28 May 2
 007 07:50:33 -0400Subject: Re :Re: Building Dependent targetsTo avoid 
rebuilding of targets if they occur as dependent targetsfor many targets, I 
tried using task. My requirementis that I am having different targets in all 
build files for copyingsource, compiling java files, and creating jar files. 
Each buildfile will be having all the above mentioned targets. After 
extractingthe source files, it will be checking for the outdated target 
jarfile. Once it finds that target is outofdate, \"target.old\" propertywill be 
set and will be proceed with creating jar file. If sourcefiles are uptodate 
with target file,\"target. old\" will be false andshouldn\'t run target 
\"compile\" and \"create-jar\".If \"target.old\" is \"false\", though it will 
not create jar file,it is be still checking each file at the task level. But I 
wantthe check to be done at target level and proceed with creating jarfile only 
if \"target.old\" is set. As I am having so many sourcefiles, it is taking lot 
of t
 ime for building.Is there any flaws in the below sample build file?Sample 
build file-includes=\"**/*.*\"/>[...]--David [EMAIL PROTECTED] unsubscribe, 
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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