Probably by using the <not>+<present> selectors in your second <fileset>.

Note that your jlib.gate property will need to be relative to basedir for
your scheme to work correctly, but I suspect you already know that. --DD

> -----Original Message-----
> From: timt asml [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   We've recently moved part of our build environment from traditional
> unix make to
>   ant, and we're encountering some problems (ant 1.6.2, by the way)
>   - We have an hierachical archive organization, in which individual
> programmers only work on
>     single components of the product. Typically, a single component is
> a single jar.
>   - Each developer works in a partial cpy of a so-called gate archive.
> This gate-archive contains
>     the jar's for all components in the archive.
>   We  now build a class path using the following snippet:
> <available file="${}" type="dir" property=""/>
> <available file="${jlib.gate}" type="dir" property="jlib.gate.available"/>
>   <path id="cmgr.classpath">
>     <fileset dir="${}">
>       <include name="*.jar"/>
>     </fileset>
>     <fileset dir="${basedir}">
>       <include name="${jlib.gate}/*.jar" if="jlib.gate.available"/>
>      </fileset>
>   </path>
>   Clearly, this leads to some duplication: the gate archive also
> contains the component jar, and we're
>  somewhat worried about picking up the wrong version of the jar file.
>   How do I exclude a file which is already in the path from being
> added to the path ?
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