--- timt asml <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
>   We've recently moved part of our build environment
> from traditional
> unix make to
>   ant, and we're encountering some problems (ant
> 1.6.2, by the way)

You are encountering problems, or you are anticipating
problems?  <path> preserves order, so simply
specifying your files in order of precedence should be
sufficient.  This answer ignores the fact that your
question was actually:

>   How do I exclude a file which is already in the
> path from being
> added to the path ?

-I believe you meant the _simple name_ of the file;
your example showed that the files would (apparently)
live in different directories, therefore the answer
above applies.  Incidentally it is not possible to add
the same (full path) file to an Ant path > once; the
first occurrence will be the only one retained.


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