Hello.  I'm relatively new to Ant (I didn't like it before for whatever
reason, but I'm warming to it now).

I'm trying to create a JAR (WAR actually) of a webapp and I've been
banging my head against the wall trying to figure out how to exclude a
particular directory.  I can exclude files just fine, but not a whole

The webapp's structure is:

webapp root

I want to exclude that source directory.  Here's the target I've defined:

  <target name="make_war">
    <jar destfile="${war_dest}/toa.war" basedir="${toa_base_dir}"
      excludes="**/vssver.scc,**/source" />

The SoruceSafe files (vssver.scc) get excluded just fine, but no matter
what I try for the directory I can't get it to work (I've tried **/source,
source, **/source/*.*, and a few others I don't even remember right now).

What is my naive little brain missing?  Thanks all!

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

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