> I want to exclude that source directory.  Here's the target 
> I've defined:
>   <target name="make_war">
>     <jar destfile="${war_dest}/toa.war" basedir="${toa_base_dir}"
>       excludes="**/vssver.scc,**/source" />
>   </target>
> The SoruceSafe files (vssver.scc) get excluded just fine, but 
> no matter
> what I try for the directory I can't get it to work (I've 
> tried **/source,
> source, **/source/*.*, and a few others I don't even remember 
> right now).

Have you tried source/**/*?  I'm assuming you want to exclude everything under 
source, no matter how many levels deep it goes, correct?

Kajsa Anderson

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