Yeah, it should work. But I prefer to have a callable/complete common.xml.I guess that strikes me as strange. I've designed at least 3 quite large multiple-build-files Ant builds for mixed C/C++/Java projects using <import>, and the build files I import are never callable directly, by design.
I think it's just a different design.
In mine the "common" build file already contains everything I need for a typical project out of the box.
The purpose of the including build file is just to add/rewrite/extend custom stuff. For very basic projects it just adds a target to pack the build products. For very complex projects it can import several other xml files, which in this case can be (and usually are) "incomplete".
I even write 'abstract' targets with just a <fail> insight indicating the importing build file should override the target, and the same can be done with <condition><isreference>+<fail> to have a friendly error message for IDs.
That's nice, but completely redundant.
I prefer to keep my build files shorter, as they are already definitely too long. But it's just a matter of taste, I think.
XML is powerful, but certainly not concise. ;-)
Note that others have said similar things in the discussions leading to the addition of <import> to Ant, and I still don't get it. Oh well ;-) --DD
So you still don't get why the imported files should be valid (or should I say "well formed"?) build files, do you? ;)
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