Dominique Devienne wrote:
I prefer to keep my build files shorter, as they are
already definitely too long.
Mine are actually quite small now that I <import> all the
common parts from a small set of 'abstract' build files.
(and by 'abstract' I mean "meant to imported" as opposed
to necessarily having 'abstract' targets).

Again, it depends on the definition of 'long'.

So you still don't get why the imported files should be valid
(or should I say "well formed"?) build files, do you? ;)
Oh they are valid, as valid as a Java or C++ abstract class is.

That's not what I meant. I was implying the necessity to have an enclosing <project> element, instead of just a bunch of targets and top level tasks (like in the "entity includes" era).

My experience is that the Template Method pattern goes
a long way in making for better designs, in any language,
be it C++, Java, or Ant (which is not a language per se).
It is indeed a matter of taste, and I suspect different
thresholds for what's elegant, and what's not ;-) --DD

I must say I'm quite satisfied with my current approach (until I find a better one, obviously), mainly because it makes me spend very little time each time I start a new project and it's also very scalable.
Elegance is important, but comes second to manageability.
Is it more important to go to a date in time or well dressed? Well, obviously both... unless the date is a deadline. ;-)
Anyway I don't we're talking about so different designs. If I understand correctly, mine could be seen as yours, but starting with a "Concrete class". That's all.

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