This is because you're are setting these variables in an antcall. Which does not actually propogate up those properties. You could check out the antcallback task in ant-contrib. That will do what you want also see the recent thread about returning values from antcallback.
________________________________ From: Rhino [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: October 12, 2004 7:10 AM To: ant-user Subject: Properties set within conditions Hi, I'm having a problem with seeing a property that I set within some conditional logic. Some new properties are only visible within the target where I add them but I need them to be visible in later targets as well. I've spent several hours looking at the archives for this mailing list and trying everything I could think of but I can't seem to make my script work the way I want, even though it seems like something that should be pretty easy. First, let me explain in words what I want to do, then I'll show you the current version of the script, which doesn't quite work. Maybe you can suggest what I need to change to make this work. My script is going to upload some files to one of two servers, then run some commands on that server that involve the files I uploaded. The user is allowed to choose which of the two servers the user wants during the execution of the Ant script. Then, depending on which one the user chooses, certain properties like the hostname and a target directory for the uploads (for starters) are going to be set. Then, regardless of which server was selected, the userid and password for the server will be selected. Then, the upload will take place, followed by the commands that are running on the target server. The individual targets all seem to work okay when I run them alone, provided that they get the properties they need have been set at a script-wide level beforehand. I only get into trouble when I try to set properties in one target and then use them in a later target. Although I am using scp and sshexec in my Ant script for the upload and for running the commands that execute on the server, I would prefer to use only standard Ant tasks wherever possible in the rest of my script. Here is my script: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- <?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="Resume" default="sshexec" basedir="."> <property name="hostname.sympatico" value=""/> <property name="sympatico.resume.dir" value="/home/rhino"/> <property name="hostname.tonge" value=""/> <property name="tonge.resume.dir" value="/home/rhino/public_html"/> <property name="" value="true"/> <!--================================================================== Determine which server is the target. ==================================================================--> <target name="getserver" description="Determine which server is the target"> <input message="Which server should receive the files? 1. Sympatico 2. Tonge" validargs="1,2" addproperty="server.choice" defaultvalue="2"/> <echo message="Server choice is ${server.choice}"/> </target> <target name="setparms" description="Set the server-dependent properties"> <condition property="Sympatico"> <equals arg1="${server.choice}" arg2="1"/> </condition> <antcall target="sympatico"/> <antcall target="tonge"/> </target> <target name="sympatico" if="Sympatico" description="Set the server-dependent properties for Sympatico."> <echo>server = Sympatico</echo> <property name="server" value="${hostname.sympatico}"/> <property name="server.resume.dir" value="${sympatico.resume.dir}"/> <echo message="The Server hostname is ${server}. The resume directory is ${server.resume.dir}."/> </target> <target name="tonge" unless="Sympatico" description="Set the server-dependent properties for Tonge."> <echo>server = Tonge</echo> <property name="server" value="${hostname.tonge}"/> <property name="server.resume.dir" value="${tonge.resume.dir}"/> <echo message="The Server hostname is ${server}. The resume directory is ${server.resume.dir}."/> </target> <target name="getlogin" description="Get userid and password for server."> <input message="Please supply the userid for the server:" addproperty="userid" defaultvalue="dougb"/> <input message="Please supply the password for the server:" addproperty="password" defaultvalue="dougbpw"/> </target> <target name="display" description="Display server-dependent information."> <echo message="The userid is ${userid} and the password is ${password}"/> <echo message="The Server hostname is ${server}. The resume directory is ${server.resume.dir}."/> </target> <!--================================================================== Scp NOTES: 1. target directory MUST exist. 2. source directories that are empty never get created on the target machine. ==================================================================--> <target name="scp" depends="getserver,setparms,sympatico,tonge,getlogin,display" description="scp copies local files to remote machines via SSH"> <scp file="C:/Answer.txt" todir="${userid}:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/rhino" trust="true"/> <!--scp file="C:/dbasic.log" todir="${userid}:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/rhino" trust="false" knownhosts="${knownhosts}"/--> <scp file="${userid}:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc/ssh/" todir="d:/eclipse/workspace/resume/xml" trust="true"/> <scp todir="${userid}:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/rhino/tmp" trust="true"> <fileset dir="d:/myTempDir"> <include name="**/*"/> </fileset> </scp> </target> <!--================================================================== Sshexec ==================================================================--> <target name="sshexec" depends="scp" description="sshexec is an SSH command line"> <echo message="The Server hostname is ${server}. The resume directory is ${server.resume.dir}."/> <echo message="The userid is ${userid}. The password is ${password}."/> <sshexec host="${server}" username="${userid}" password="${password}" command="touch myfile" trust="true"/> <sshexec host="${server}" username="${userid}" password="${password}" command="rm myfile" trust="true"/> <sshexec host="${server}" username="${userid}" password="${password}" command="sh hello.bash" trust="true"/> </target> </project> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The basic problem is that my scp step doesn't seem to see the values of ${server} and ${server.resume.dir} anywhere but in the steps that set them, 'tonge' or 'sympatico', depending on which one was invoked. If these two properties were global to the whole script rather than local to the 'tonge' or 'sympatico' tasks, my script should work. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find any way to make the property global to the whole script. I also seem to have some problems with the dependencies between the tasks. To my way of thinking: - 'setparms' should depend on 'getserver'; - 'sympatico' and 'tonge' should both depend on 'setparms' (although this may be redundant due to the antcalls in 'setparms') - 'getlogin' should be dependent on either 'sympatico' or 'tonge', whichever was executed, or possibly both - 'display' should be dependent on 'getlogin' - 'scp' should be dependent on 'display' - 'sshexec' should be dependent on 'scp' However, if I try to implement those dependencies, the script tends to have a lot more problems. Perhaps someone could tell me how the dependencies should be set for what I am trying to do. I'm using Ant 1.6.1 on Windows XP but would be willing to upgrade to a newer version of Ant if that would help. Rhino --- rhino1 AT sympatico DOT ca "There are two ways of constructing a software design. One way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies. And the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies." - C.A.R. Hoare