Can you tell me what search words to use for finding some of these many
examples that you say are in the archives? I spent considerable time looking
in the archive already, using search terms like 'conditional property' and
so forth but none of them revealed a clear example that resembled what I am
trying to do.

I really don't want to take a lot of time from anyone on the list. I'm sure
you're all very busy on your own work. I just need to see some examples that
set properties based on conditions and that keep those properties visible in
later tasks. I prefer to stay with core tasks whenever I can but optional
tasks and ant-contrib tasks are okay if I can't accomplish the task any
other way.

I am really not clear on the best technique to use and I have spent several
hours messing around trying to come up with something that works. So far,
<antcallback> is the only technique that works for me. I'd prefer to use
"best" techniques over "abominations" but I don't have anything besides
<antcallback> that works yet.

By the way, why don't I see ant-contrib in the Ant manual under Optional
Tasks? Are the ant-contrib tasks considered bad choices for some reason?


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dominique Devienne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Ant Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2004 11:59 AM
Subject: RE: Properties set within conditions

> From: Rhino [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I don't think I've ever seen a target that sets properties within a
> conditional before. Could you possibly provide an example?
> By the way, I've got my script working very nicely now with
> Thanks *very* much for this suggestion! However, I'd still like to see
> other
> ways to do the same thing, especially ways that don't involve
> extra tasks.

<antcallback> is clearly the wrong way about it...

The pure Ant way is to use either targets with if/unless that
you *depend* on (as opposed to <antcall>), or use several properties
files of which you load just one based on another property value. The
archives as many many such examples.

The Ant-contrib way would be to simply use <if> or <switch> to
set the property conditionally.

<antcallback> is an abomination and should never be used ;-) --DD

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